Wastewater Treatment Innovation

The treatment of wastewater is a fundamental, necessary process. The sludge it generates is digested in digestion towers to produce gas. The sludge must then be dewatered and incinerated. The dewatering process is often hindered by persistent, crystalline precipitates formed from the digested sludge. Typical precipitates include phosphates, particularly Struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) crytal forms. In practice, precipitates lead to costly and time-consuming cleaning due to the scaling. The ROPUR RWI-8000 was specifically designed and formulated to bring a rapid answer to those dewatering plants experiencing the presence of hard-rock blue-black mineral scaling, plugging pipes and covering centrifuge surfaces.

Prior to the dramatically costly scaling event, tiny crystals particles will form in solution. Inhibiting those particles is the key solution to prevent the costly scaling to occure. The ROPUR RWI-8000 used could reduce the particle numbers in the feed stream by 94.1 to 99.4 % on average. The particle count could be reduced by the RWI-8000, making the centrifuge much cleaner and drastically reducing the cleaning frequency of Struvite scale.